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Blaise Carrera
Tutorials creation:
Blaise Carrera
Giovanni Fredducci
Angel Chraniotis
Moham. H. Karvan
Alexandro Silva
Blaise Carrera
Andrei Chertolyas
Sergiy Uvarov
Nickola Kolev
Łukasz Nowatkowski
Ivo Raisr
Catalin Bivolaru
Bogdan A. Costea
Kirill Simonov
Oliver Mucafir
JaeYoung Jeon
Seungyoon Lee
Jie Yu & Si Cheng
Tao Wei
Fumihito Yoshida
Muhammad Takdir
Çağdaş Tülek
Leslie Luthi
Joe Anderson
Jennifer Ockwell
Nigel Titley
Alison Rees
Blaise Carrera - WORLD TIMING

PHP Scripts Time
Last Change : Aug 21 2009 french flagenglish flag

Please check our website about
attractions in Western Switzerland !! (Please use english translation).

Merci de consulter notre site sur les
activités à faire en Suisse romande !!

PHP script name: Clock Generator
Author Rainbow Arch
Website here

Time Zones Locations Daylight-Saving Time Time
GMT -6 Mexico City YES
GMT -5 NY, Miami YES
GMT -3 Argentina NO
GMT -3 Brasil YES
GMT UK, Portugal YES
GMT +1 Central European Countries YES
GMT +2 South Africa NO
GMT +2 Greece YES
GMT +3 Moscow YES
GMT +4 Dubai NO
GMT +8 HK, Taiwan, Shanghai NO
GMT +9 South Korea, Japan NO

Please note that all the countries above except for asian countries, Argentina and South Africa use daylight-saving Time.
GMT is not affected by daylight-saving time and remains the same all year around.

Daylight-Saving Time (summertime) for European Union included UK, Switzerland and Russia:
Starting on the last Sunday of March and ending on the last Sunday of October.

Daylight-Saving Time (summertime) for USA and Mexico:
Staring on the first Sunday of April and ending on the Last Sunday of October.

Daylight-Saving Time for Brasil:
Starting on the first Sunday of October and ending on the last Sunday of February.