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Blaise Carrera
Tutorials creation:
Blaise Carrera
Giovanni Fredducci
Angel Chraniotis
Moham. H. Karvan
Alexandro Silva
Blaise Carrera
Andrei Chertolyas
Sergiy Uvarov
Nickola Kolev
Łukasz Nowatkowski
Ivo Raisr
Catalin Bivolaru
Bogdan A. Costea
Kirill Simonov
Oliver Mucafir
JaeYoung Jeon
Seungyoon Lee
Jie Yu & Si Cheng
Tao Wei
Fumihito Yoshida
Muhammad Takdir
Çağdaş Tülek
Leslie Luthi
Joe Anderson
Jennifer Ockwell
Nigel Titley
Alison Rees
Blaise Carrera - Thanks

Home Thanks
Last Change : Aug 04 2011 french flagenglish flag

We would like to deeply thank the following persons for the precious help:
- Sab for the french text check.
- Leslie Luthi for the english text check.
- Joe Anderson for the english text check.
- Jennifer Ockwell for the english text check.
- Fabrice Mourron for Snort and Ubuntu.
- Andrei Chertolyas and Sergiy Uvarov for the russian translation.
- Nickola Kolev for the bulgarian translation.
- Łukasz Nowatkowski for the polish translation.
- Ivo Raisr for the czech translation.
- Giovanni Fredducci for the italian translation.
- Alexandro Silva for the portuguese translation.
- Catalin Bivolaru for the romanian translation.
- Bogdan Alexandru Costea for the romanian translation.
- Jie Yu & Si Cheng for the mandarin translation.
- Muhammad Takdir for the javanese translation.
- Angel Chraniotis for the greek translation.
- Mohammad Hossein Karvan for the farsi/persian translation.
- JaeYoung Jeon for the korean translation.
- Kirill Simonov for the ukrainian translation.
- Tao Wei for the mandarin translation.
- YukiAlex for the mandarin translation from Hong-Kong.
- Youngbin Benjamin Im for the korean translation .
- Bernardo B, Mejia Huerta for the spanish translation.

The Openmaniak Team

And last but not least, a picture of Mikado, our best fan, working hard on the website.

black and white cat

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