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Trixbox - The Easy Tutorial - Introduction

Trixbox Introduction
Last Change : Jan 30 2008 french flagenglish flag


Details What is Trixbox ?
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Trixbox, formerly known as "Asterisk@Home", is a CentOS Linux distribution that provides an open source telephony package based on the famous Asterisk Voice-over-IP PBX.

The strength of the trixbox (spelled with a lowercase 't') comes from the simplicity of its installation. It can be downloaded either as an ISO file, burnt on a CD and installed on a computer, or as Vmware files and launched with Vmware tools. (see trixbox configuration tutorial)

Here are some functionalities included with trixbox:
- Linux CentOS: Operating platform
- MySQL: Database server
- Apache: Web server
- PHP: Server-side scripting language
- Asterisk: VoIP PBX
- FreePBX: Web GUI for Asterisk
- SugarCRM: Customer relationship management (CRM) tool.
And many others ...

Our tutorial case study is composed of three softphones and a trixbox server. The goal is not to go into all the trixbox configuration details but to provide an efficiency step-by-step procedure (trixbox configuration tutorial) to let the phones (phone configuration tutorial) call each other with success.
The protocols used are SIP for the signaling and RTP voice transportation.(VoIP analyze section)

Some definitions:

PBX (Private Branch Exchange): PBXs provide the infrastructure to enable internal phone communications inside a private company and also external ones to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) through lines called "trunks".
VoIP PBXs, also called IPBX, have the capability to create trunks directly to other IPBXs through Internet links.
To understand their role, IPBXs could be compared to mail servers which will deliver mails inside or outside a company depending on the recipient. IPBXs will do the same but for phone calls.

VoIP (Voice over IP) is the principle used for Voice transportation between two devices.

ToIP (Telephony over IP) is the telephony service that uses the VoIP technology.

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is used to control multimedia sessions such as Voice or Video calls.
(trixbox analyze section)

RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) is used to transport the multimedia data.
(trixbox analyze section)